10. Real life application “Messages” PHP PDO, AJAX+jQuery CRUD&filter (thema, blog, forum, CMS, builetinboard, Skype replacement)

Revised 2020.03.26

HOME  7. Jan. 2018 I uploaded code on Github https://github.com/slavkoss/fwphp – much different then in this article title – see below “All we need…”. This old B12phpfw version 3. is more complicated but if you like it could be simplified. I think version 6 on Github is best, simplest.

I think it is my last word about routing which I do not like in my previous articles here. Basic ideas are same in all my articles (code skeleton like Oracle Forms) Previous articles were tests of different technologies which made my conclusion :

All we need for MVC OOP PHP framework is (beside love) : to be mazohist what I try to minimize here, which is reason for this blog :

  1. routing / dispatching (last code as in Mini3 PHP framework https://github.com/panique/mini3)  based on URL query array
  3. CSS ~ bootstrap or own ~200 lines
  4. for blogging rich text web editor like : markdown SimpleMDE or html Summernote
  5. no or minimal Javascript, no AJAX, no JS frameworks : React, jQuery, AngularJS…  and simmilar overprogrammed libraries

I would use PHP and JS frameworks if they had better help, but they all seem (partially) like cat in bag, vaporware. It is pity so much work and at end we have application, not developing SW. Only author and his friends understand it.

Same is fate of Oracle Forms, new versions, after 6i, with 3-4 servers. It is application, not developing SW, it is why nobody starts new projects with Oracle Forms and Oracle advises Java developer also written in C called Java and better for evil empires. There is no sin to make new SW – old should be refactored – recoding all the time – see in Google search “extreme programming”.

Kae Verens published 2010 year nice book -CMS Design Using PHP and jQuery-. It has same problem as 90% WEB learning resources : smarty, and rich text ckeditor do not work and I did not found easy way to use newer version (Kae did not explain such problem). -Path science- is very poor – based on -all is in site-s document root dir. What if we do not have more virtual hosts (sites). It is very strange that this basics (and some other) are unfinished because this book is based on 10 years real CMS development.


Old versions

15.october 2017 I uploaded complete test site (with php.ini and Apache config files) in 1_tests.zip, it is old code not of interest, except some code snippets.

14.august 2016   I uploaded 3sites .rar – see HOME page for downloads, it is old code not of interest, except some code snippets. **4.august 2016** -Messages- real life application added **nicEdit** rich text editor (after testing ~10 RTE).

6. CRUD selfjoin table forum – message board PDO SQLite

HOME   . Downloads

Excellent code to learn object oriented programming, model-view-controller code separation (structured programming), single page application (4 utility-helper functions + 5 CRUD functions), all one selfjoin table CRUD code in one script, require scripts, not URL them, most code outside Apache doc root, Javascript msg & yes-no dialogs and key TAB->ENTER.
(see Home -> site_ver2.rar).

6.Dec.2015 code refactored and parialy improved. Later (next year) I shall finish all I planed and upload also  site_ver2.rar where is code outside appl. root. Below is newest code, other is in
Home -> site_ver2.rar

2.Sept.2015 Download – see site_ver2.rar from my article 9. Code below is enough to understand – it is not much changed.

1. Download sqlitestudio and install DDL at end tema.php

2.     1_sync_tema_sifrarnik_JtoH.bat

rem SINCHRONIZATION: 2 click this .bat script (or Git)
rem J:\awww\apl\dev1\01apl\04tema\1_sync_tema_sifrarnik_JtoH.bat
rem robocopy <Original Folder> <Destination Folder> /e /purge
rem **** OUTPUTS EG : *****
rem Total Copied Skipped Mismatch FAILED Extras
rem Dirs : 20 0 20 0 0 0
rem Files : 94 6 88 0 0 0
rem Bytes : 453.9 k 36.6 k 417.2 k 0 0 0
rem Times : 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00
rem Speed : 708811 Bytes/sec. 40.558 MegaBytes/min.
rem Ended : 6. prosinca 2015. 20:33:19

rem 1. resources outside appl. tree - utils, settings, css, img
rem 1.1 
robocopy J:\awww\apl\dev1\config_site.php H:\awww\apl\dev1\config_site.php /e /purge
rem 1.2
robocopy J:\awww\apl\zinc H:\awww\apl\zinc /e /purge

rem 2. inside appl. tree
robocopy J:\awww\apl\dev1\01apl\04tema H:\awww\apl\dev1\01apl\04tema /e /purge


3. tema.php Code – all in one script ~350 lines :

* Themes (threads) (msg-reply, task, menu) 
* Teme (niti) (poruka-odgovor, zadaća, izbornik)
* PHP, Javascript, PDO SQLite3, selfjoin, 2015.12.7
* LICENCE: Free code example - if you use it, do not remove this:
* Slavko Srakočić, Croatia, Zagreb
* see my blog http://phporacle.altervista.org
* J:\awww\apl\dev1\01apl\04tema\tema.php
* http://dev1:8083/01apl/04tema/tema.php
* 2. robocopy (or Git) SYNCHRONIZATION: 2 click this .bat script (or git)
* J:\awww\apl\dev1\01apl\04tema\1_sync_tema_sifrarnik_JtoH.bat
* 3. DDL: see CREATE TABLE message at this script end
* 4. Home page looks like :
* Open new thema (nit, thread) Help = Klik Ord.Nr
* |...| = |bytes| idniti, rbruniti, nivo, id, idviši |
* 1. MSGs self join sqlite3 THIS PG by ss @ 2015-03-25 01:41 |DELETE| 1900 |UPDATE |1,0,0 ,1,0|
*     1. funkcije by ss @ 2015-03-25 01:42 |DEL| 1654 |UPD|1,1,1 ,2,1|
*          2. Re: funkcije by ss @ 2015-03-26 14:31 |DEL| 14 |UPD|1,2,2 ,18,2|
*     3. funkcija save() by ss @ 2015-03-25 01:52 |DEL| 1296 |UPD|1,3,2 ,3,2|
* ...
* 2. Z-WAMP menu by aa @ 2015-12-05 15:58 |DELE| 14 |UPD |3,0,0 ,25,0|
* $this->utl->phpjsmsg(7 parameters), phpjsmsgyn() 
*89: public __construct() { // INITIALIZE (B O O T S T R A P I N G)
*151: public ctr() { // M A N A G E (R O U T I N G)
*192: protected crerec() { // crud1. FRONTEND A D D SELFJOIN ROW
*257: protected tbl() { // crud2. D I S P L A Y HIERARCHY
*363: protected frm_rpt() { // crud3. R O W REPORT (m s g b o d y...)
*417: protected frm_post() // crud4. ENTER USER DATA & PROCESS IT
*491: protected delrec() { // crud5 BACKEND D E L E T E R O W
*522: protected valid() {
*538: protected logAndDie(Exception $e) {
use utlmoj\utlmoj as utl;

ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
$start = microtime(true);

$selfj = new SelfJoin(); // should be named: MessageBoard, MainMenu...
$selfj->ctr(); //ROUTING = starts scripts according url params cmd, ... 

$end = microtime(true);

echo '<br />'.'Vrijeme izvođenja: '.($end - $start) . ' sekundi';

class SelfJoin { // should be named: MessageBoard, MainMenu...
 // 1. C R U D (M O D E L) PROPERTIES :
 protected $inTransaction = false;
 protected $db;
 protected $table;
 protected $idname;
 protected $idval;
 // c r u d actions (CURSORS = named sql set process comands):
 // D = cursor for deleting
 protected $cdel_row_byid ; 
 // R e a d cursor
 protected $cr_max_rbrdet_inm ;
 protected $cr_byid_nivo_orddet_inm ;
 protected $cr_byid ; // R E A D r o w B Y I D (M O D E L c R u d)
 protected $cr_byid_colname ; 
 // U p d a t e cursor
 protected $cu_incr_rbrdet_inm ;
 // C r e a t e cursor
 protected $cc_mast_or_det ;
 // 2. U T L S F U N C T I O N S (H E L P E R S) :
 // a d r e s s properties :
 protected $curpgurl;
 protected $curpgpath;

 protected $form_errors = array();
 public function __construct() { // I N I T I A L I Z E (B O O T S T R A P I N G)
 // C R U D (m o d e l) properties :
 $this->table = 'message';
 $this->idname = 'id';
 $this->idval_url = isset($_REQUEST[$this->idname]) ?
 intval($_REQUEST[$this->idname]) : '';
 // C R U D actions (cursors, named sql set process comands):
$this->cdel_row_byid = // cd_ means cursor for deleting
"DELETE FROM $this->table WHERE $this->idname=?"; //$values[]=$parent_id;

"SELECT MAX(thread_pos) FROM $this->table WHERE thread_id = ? AND parent_id = ?"; 

$this->cr_byid_nivo_orddet_inm= // cr_ means cursor for reading
"SELECT thread_id,level,thread_pos FROM $this->table WHERE $this->idname=?";

"UPDATE $this->table SET thread_pos = thread_pos + 1 WHERE thread_id = ? AND thread_pos >= ?";

$this->cc_mast_or_det="INSERT INTO $this->table "
. "($this->idname, thread_id,parent_id, thread_pos, posted_on, level, author, subject, body) "
.'VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)';

"SELECT author,subject,body,posted_on FROM $this->table WHERE $this->idname = ?";

"SELECT subject FROM $this->table WHERE $this->idname = ?";

 // 1. g l o b a l u t l s, s e t t i n g s :
 $curpgpath =__FILE__; $mastpgpath=$curpgpath; //dirname(__DIR__) ;
 $this->curpgpath = $curpgpath;
 $this->curpgurl = $curpgurl ; 
 //$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = eg J:\awww\apl\dev1\
 $this->utl = $utl;
?><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- Begin 
<?php echo file_get_contents($jsd.$ds.'key_pressed.js');?>//End --></SCRIPT><?php if ('') $utl->phpjsmsg('aaaaaaaaaa key_ pressed.js IS INCLUD E D');
 // 2. g l o b a l c r u d :
 $dbi = 'sqlite3'; $sqlitetbl = 'tema.sqlite3' ; //$dsn='default';
 require_once($gloresdir.$ds.'db_conn.php'); //requires klase/dbi.php
 $this->db = $db;
// ******************************************
 $title = '<h1>Teme (threads) (poruka-odgovor, zadaća, izbornik) selfjoin PHP PDO SQLite3</h1>' ;
 $title2 = 'Teme selfjoin'; // ibrowser tab txt
 $basecss=$cssd.$ds.'style00.css'; //'default' or $cssd.$ds.'style00.css';
 include ($gloresdir.'/hdr.php');
 //include ($cnfgd.$ds.'hdr.php');

 } // e n d _ _ c o n s t r u c t
 public function ctr() { // M A N A G E (R O U T I N G)
 // The value of $_REQUEST['cmd'] tells us what to do
 $cmd = isset($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'tbl';
 // frontend - user actions (backend in sqlitestudio) :
 switch ($cmd) {
 case 'delrec':
 $this->utl->phpjsmsgyn('Obrisati redak ?'
 , '?cmd=delrecyes&'.$this->idname.'='.$this->idval_url);
 case 'delrecyes': 
 //case 'delrec': 
 if ($this->idval_url) $this->delrec($this->idval_url);
 else $this->utl->phpjsmsg('Nije zadana šifra retka za brisanje !');
 case 'frm_rpt': // read an self join r o w
 case 'frm_post': // display form to post self join r o w
 case 'crerec': // insert - i n s e r t posted self join r o w
 if ($this->valid()) { // if m s g e is v a l i d,
 $this->crerec(); // then i n s e r t it
 $this->tbl(); // and display self join list
 } else {
 $this->frm_post(); // otherwise, redisplay the posting form
 case 'tbl': // show self join r o w s list

 // F R O N T E N D - user actions :
 protected function crerec() { // crud1. FRONTEND A D D SELFJOIN ROW
 $parent_id = isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) ?
 intval($_REQUEST['parent_id']) : 0;
 // Make sure m s g e doesn't change while we're working with it.
 $this->inTransaction = true;
 // is this m s g e a reply?
 if ($parent_id) {
 // get the thread, level, and thread_pos of the parent m s g e
 //"SELECT thread_id,level,thread_pos FROM $this->table WHERE $this->idname=?";
 $st = $this->db->prepare($this->cr_byid_nivo_orddet_inm);
 $parent = $st->fetch();
 // a reply's level is one greater than its parent's
 $level = $parent['level'] + 1;
 // what's biggest thread_pos in this thread among m s g e s with the same parent? 
 //"SELECT MAX(thread_pos) FROM $this->table WHERE thread_id = ? AND parent_id = ?";
 $st = $this->db->prepare($this->cr_max_rbrdet_inm);
 $st->execute(array($parent['thread_id'], $parent_id));
 $thread_pos = $st->fetchColumn(0);
 // are there existing replies to this parent?
 if ($thread_pos) {
 // this thread_pos goes after the biggest existing one
 } else {
 // this is the first reply, so put it right after the parent
 $thread_pos = $parent['thread_pos'] + 1;
 // increment thread_pos of all m s g e s in the thread that come after this one 
 //"UPDATE $this->table SET thread_pos = thread_pos + 1 WHERE thread_id = ? AND thread_pos >= ?";
 $st = $this->db->prepare($this->cu_incr_rbrdet_inm);
 $st->execute(array($parent['thread_id'], $thread_pos));
 // the new m s g e should be i n s. with the parent's thread_id
 $thread_id = $parent['thread_id'];
 } else {
 // m s g e is not reply, so it's the s t a r t of new t h r e a d
 $thread_id = $this->db->query(
 "SELECT MAX(thread_id) + 1 
 FROM $this->table")->fetchColumn(0);
 // If there are no rows yet, make sure we s t a r t at 1 for thread_id
 if (! $thread_id) {
 $thread_id = 1;
 $level = 0;
 $thread_pos = 0;
 // i n s e r t m s g e into DB. Using prepare() and execute() makes sure that all fields are properly quoted 
 //"INSERT INTO $this->table "
 //. "($this->idname, thread_id,parent_id, thread_pos, posted_on, level, author, subject, body) "
 //.'VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)';
 $st = $this->db->prepare($this->cc_mast_or_det);
null, $thread_id, $parent_id, $thread_pos, date('c'), $level
,$_REQUEST['author'], $_REQUEST['subject'],$_REQUEST['body']));
 // Commit all the operations
 $this->inTransaction = false;
 protected function tbl() // crud2. D I S P L A Y H I E R A R C H Y
 { //print '<h2><a href="http://dev:8083/test/books/a01cookbook/tema.php">Teme (poruka-odgovor)</a></h2>';
 // provide a way to p o s t non-reply m s g e
 // IZBORNIK t b l - i c e :
 // t b l h d r r o w (action menu) :
 $lnk_addmaster = '<strong>'."<a class='btn' href='".$this->curpgurl
 ."?cmd=frm_post'>Otvoriti novu temu (nit, thread)</a>"
 .'</strong> ';
 print $lnk_addmaster;
 if ('1') print '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Help = Klik Rbr.
 |...| = | bytes|idniti, rbruniti, nivo, id, idviši| '

 //order m s g s by their thread (thread_id) and their position within thread (thread_pos)
 $st = $this->db->query(
 "SELECT $this->idname, subject,author"
 .",LENGTH(body) body_length,posted_on,level,thread_id,thread_pos
 ." FROM $this->table ORDER BY thread_id,thread_pos");
 while ($row = $st->fetch()) {
 $when = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($row['posted_on']));
 // indent m s g e s with level > 0
 print '<font style="font-family: Courier;">'
 .str_repeat('&nbsp;',2 * $row['level']) .'</font>';

 // print info about m s g with
 // - link to open page eg http://dev1:8083/01apl/04tema/tema.php
 // - link to read it
 // ----------- 1. thread_id (NIT) = ORD.NO :
 ( ($row['level'] == 0) // branch root
 // Help (msg content report) = Klik Rbr :
 "<a href='" . $this->curpgurl
 . "?cmd=frm_rpt&amp;$this->idname={$row[$this->idname]}"
 . '<span class="btnsmall">'
 .'<font style="color: black; font-family: Courier;">' 
 // background-color: red; 
 .str_repeat('&nbsp;', (6 - strlen($row['thread_id'])) )
 .$row['thread_id'] //.'</strong>'
 . '</span>'
 .'. ' 
 // ----------- 2. thread_pos = ORD.NO IN THREAD - Help (msg content report) = Klik Rbr u niti :
 "<a href='" . $this->curpgurl
 . "?cmd=frm_rpt&amp;$this->idname={$row[$this->idname]}"
 //.'&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$row['thread_pos'].'. ' .'</strong>'
 . '<span>'
 .'<font style="color: black; background-color: white; font-family: Courier;">' 
 .str_repeat('&nbsp;', (6 - strlen($row['thread_pos'])) )
 .$row['thread_pos'] //.'</strong>'
 . '</span>'
 .'. ' 
 // Klik msg to open page :
 // eg http://dev1:8083/index.php?cmd=lsweb&dir=J:\awww\apl\dev1\test\01info
 ."<a href='" . htmlentities($row['url'],ENT_QUOTES)
 . htmlentities($row['subject'],ENT_QUOTES)
 . '</a> '
 . ' by '. htmlentities($row['author'],ENT_QUOTES) . ' @ '
 . htmlentities($when,ENT_QUOTES)
 // L I N K c m d = d e l r e c
 printf('<a href="%s?cmd=delrec&'.$this->idname.'=%s'
 , $this->curpgurl
 , $row[$this->idname]
 //, $pgrr1
 , '<font style="color: red;">'.' |'.'</font>'
 .'BRIŠI' // d e l e t e
 .'<font style="color: red;">'.'|'.'</font>'
 print " {$row['body_length']} " // bytes|
 . " |PROMJ " // u p d a t e
if ('1') print "|{$row['thread_id']},{$row['thread_pos']},{$row['level']}
print '<br/>';

 } // e n d p r i n t r o w s
 print '<hr/>'.$lnk_addmaster;
 } // e n d f n t b l ( )

 protected function frm_rpt() { // crud3. R O W REPORT (m s g b o d y...)
 // make sure the m s g e i d we are passed is an integer and really represents a m s g e 
 if (! isset($_REQUEST[$this->idname])) {
 throw new Exception('Nije formirana šifra poruke');
 $id = intval($_REQUEST[$this->idname]);
 //"SELECT author,subject,body,posted_on FROM $this->table WHERE $this->idname = ?";
 $st = $this->db->prepare($this->cr_byid);
 $msg = $st->fetch();
 if (! $msg) {
 throw new Exception('Loša šifra poruke');
 /* don't display user-entered HTML, but display newlines as
 HTML line breaks */
 $body = str_replace('{{/strong}}','</strong>',
 while (false !== strpos($body, '{{url}}')) {
 $beg = strpos($body, '{{url}}');
 $end = strpos($body, '{{/url}}');
 $url = substr($body, $beg+7, $end - $beg -7);
 $url2 = '<a href="'.$url.'">'.$url.'</a>'; // </strong>
 $body = str_replace('{{url}}'.$url.'{{/url}}',$url2,$body);
 //$body .= '<br />'.$url2;
 // display m s g e with links to reply and return to the m s g e list
 $subject = htmlentities($msg['subject']);
 $author = htmlentities($msg['author']);
 // ---------------------------------------
 // h d r m e n u f r m _ v i e w - a
 // --------------------------------------
 by $author &nbsp; &nbsp;
 <a href="$this->curpgurl?cmd=frm_post&parent_id=$id">Odgovor</a>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="$this->curpgurl?cmd=tbl">Stablo poruka</a>


 } // tbl()

 protected function frm_post() // crud4. ENTER USER DATA & PROCESS IT
 $safe = array();
 foreach (array('author','subject','body') as $field) {

 // escape input values :
 if (isset($_POST[$field])) {
 $safe[$field] = htmlentities($_POST[$field]);
 } else { $safe[$field] = ''; }

 // make err m s g s display in red :
 if (isset($this->form_errors[$field])) {
 $this->form_errors[$field] = '<span style="color: red">' .
 $this->form_errors[$field] . '</span><br/>';
 } else { $this->form_errors[$field] = ''; }
 } // e n d f o r e a c h

 // is this m s g e reply ?
 if (isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) &&
 $parent_id = intval($_REQUEST['parent_id'])) {
 // send parent_id along when form is submitted
 $parent_field = sprintf(
 '<input type="hidden" 
 value="$this->idname" />'
 , $parent_id);
 // if no subject's been passed in, use parent's subject
 if (! strlen($safe['subject'])) {
 //"SELECT subject FROM $this->table WHERE $this->idname = ?";
 $st = $this->db->prepare($this->cr_byid_colname);
 $parent_subject = $st->fetchColumn(0);
 /* prefix 'Re: ' to parent subject if it exists and
 doesn't already have 'Re:' */
 $safe['subject'] = htmlentities($parent_subject);
 if ( $parent_subject
 && (! preg_match('/^re:/i',$parent_subject)))
 { $safe['subject'] = "Re: {$safe['subject']}"; }
 } else { $parent_field = ''; }

 // display posting form, with errors and default values
 <form method="post" action="$this->curpgurl">
 <td>Your Name:</td>
 <input type="text" name="author" value="{$safe['author']}" />
 <input type="text" name="subject" value="{$safe['subject']}" />
 <textarea rows="4" cols="30" wrap="physical"
 <tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="Pošaljite poruku" /></td></tr>
 <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="crerec" />

 // B A C K E N D - administrator actions :
 protected function delrec($parent_id) { // crud5 BACKEND D ELETE R OW
 //$parent_id = isset($_REQUEST[$this->idname]) ? intval($_REQUEST[$this->idname]) : 0;
// $this->idval_url
//basename(__FILE__).' SAYS'.'<br>'.'$id'.'=='.$parent_id.'=='
if ('') $this->utl->phpjsmsg('***** '.__FUNCTION__.'() SAYS: ' 
 // is this m s g e a reply?
 if ($parent_id) {
 // Make sure m s g e doesn't change while we're working with it.
 $this->inTransaction = true;
 //"DELETE FROM $this->table WHERE $this->idname=?"; //$values[]=$parent_id;
 $st = $this->db->prepare($this->cdel_row_byid);
 //or $this->db->get_con()->prepare ?
 // fetchAll() is needed only for s e l e c t 
 //Commit all the operations
 $this->inTransaction = false;


 // 5. makes sure something is entered in each field :
 protected function valid() {
 $this->form_errors = array();
 // R E Q U I R E D U S E R D A T A :
 if (! (isset($_POST['author']) && strlen(trim($_POST['author'])))) {
 $this->form_errors['author'] = 'Upišite vaše ime (autor).';
 if (! (isset($_POST['subject']) && strlen(trim($_POST['subject'])))) {
 $this->form_errors['subject'] = 'Upišite naslov poruke.';
 if (! (isset($_POST['body']) && strlen(trim($_POST['body'])))) {
 $this->form_errors['body'] = 'Upišite tekst poruke.';
 return (count($this->form_errors) == 0);

 // 6.
 protected function logAndDie(Exception $e) {
 print 'ERROR: ' . htmlentities($e->getMessage());
 if ($this->db && $this->db->inTransaction()) {
} // e n d c l a s s

// <strong><a href="http://...">http://...</a></strong>
// if (false !== strpos($string, $substring)) { /* found it! */ }
// if (strpos($haystack, $needle) !== false) echo 'match!';
// $withoutCommas = is_numeric(str_replace(',', '', $number));

ALTER TABLE message RENAME TO sqlitestudio_temp_table;

CREATE TABLE message (
 subject CHAR (255),
 url VARCHAR (500),
 thread_pos [INT UNSIGNED] NOT NULL,
 author CHAR (255),

INSERT INTO message (
FROM sqlitestudio_temp_table;

DROP TABLE sqlitestudio_temp_table;

 You can put vars, obj.prop, array el. (if subscript is unquoted) directly in double-quoted strings:

 eg print "You owe $amounts[payment] immediately.";
 eg print "My circle's diameter is $circle->diameter inches.";

 Curly braces around more complicated expressions to interpolate them into a string:

 print "I have {$children} children.";
 print "You owe {$amounts['payment']} immediately.";
 print "My circle's diameter is {$circle->getDiameter()} inches.";

 Direct interpolation or string concat. also works with heredocs:
 print <<< END
 Right now, the time is
 . strftime('%c') . <<< END
 but tomorrow it will be
 . strftime('%c',time() + 86400);

 {{url}} http://dev1:8083/my_dev/pdo/tema/tema.php {{/url}}

Promjene podataka programom J:\aplp\aplp\sqlitestudio\SQLiteStudio.exe

 1. C INSERT frm data,
 2. R DISPLAY tbl, row,
 3. V VALIDATE, E set_exception_handler
Not neccessarily here:
U UPDATE and D DELETE WITH J:\aplp\aplp\sqlitestudio\SQLiteStudio.exe
